Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
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Voices Podcast Series
The Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Committee has launched an AUANews Inside Tract podcast series, Voices. They’ll be joined in conversation with committee members, AUA members and urologists from around the world to discuss how to build a strong, vibrant and diverse urological community.
AUA Launches the FUTURE in Urology UpSquad Platform!
The AUA is proud to launch the FUTURE UpSquad Platform. Developed and championed by the AUA’s Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Committee, the FUTURE UpSquad Platform is a private, online community that allows mentees to connect with volunteer mentors to support their journey to urology.
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Committee
The Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) Committee represents the diversity of AUA membership and a mix of geographical perspectives. Committee members have knowledge, experience or passion in one or more of the following diversity areas: race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, nationality, culture, religious, age, (dis)ability and socioeconomic backgrounds.
FUTURE in Urology Program
AUA's FUTURE in Urology (Future Urology Talent from Under-Represented Entities) is an incubator program for pre-clinical and third year URiM, URiU, and other medical students from all demographic backgrounds who are dedicated to increasing representation and more equitable health care. Learn More
2024 AUA FUTURE in Urology: Mentoring the Next Generation of Urologists
Watch NowAUA2023 REFLECTIONS: My AUA FUTURE Program Experience
Read MoreFuture in Urology at AUA 2023 with Denise Asafu-Adjei MD, MPH, and Talmadge Gaither
Watch NowVOICES: Building Health Equity and Diversity in Urology: A Personal Journey
Read MoreSupporting the Pipeline of Developing Researchers
Summer Medical Student Fellowships
The Summer Medical Student Fellowship Program is a chance for outstanding medical students to pursue urology research by engaging them in summer research fellowships alongside world-class urologic scientists.
Boston Scientific Medical Student Innovation Fellowship
Designed to support current or matriculating medical students from racial and ethnic backgrounds underrepresented in urologic research who would like to invest one year during medical school to engage in innovative research training under a mentor urologist and gain exposure to research in the field of urology.
Leadership in Education, Achievement and Diversity (LEAD) Program
Residency Research Awards
Urology Care Foundation Residency Research Awards help provide urology residents with research training to enable them to build momentum toward a career that includes research.
Physician Scientist Residency Training Awards
Made possible thanks to an endowed partnership with Dornier MedTech, the PSRTA supports a three-year research training program embedded within urology residency to prepare young surgeon scientists to become successful research leaders and make impactful discoveries for their patients.
Research Scholar Awards
The Research Scholar Program provides funding for one- and two-year mentored training for clinical and postdoctoral fellows who are no more than five years beyond completing a doctorate or residency or early career investigators who are in the first five years after beginning a faculty position.
Rising Stars in Urology Research Awards
The Rising Stars in Urology Research Award program provides up to five years of supplemental salary support to urologists who have successfully competed for career development awards from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) or other major funding organizations.
Urology Scientific Mentoring & Research Training (USMART) Academy
This unique program is designed to foster creative and impactful mentorship between developing urology physician-scientists and established investigators with an exemplary track record of leadership and mentorship.
Early-Career Investigators Workshop
The Early-Career Investigators Workshop (ECIW) is held annually to foster career development in urologic research by providing participants with a solid foundation for successful grant writing.
Podcasts and Webinars
- Applying to be a Resident: An Interview with Dr. Han
- AUANews Inside Tract Podcast: Voices: Diversity in Peer Review
- AUANews Inside Tract Podcast: Voices: Hispanic Heritage Month
- AUANews Inside Tract Podcast: Voices: Dr. Down Below
- AUANews Inside Tract Podcast: Voices: Global Residents Leadership Retreat
- AUANews Inside Tract Podcast: Voices: FUTURE in Urology Recap #2
- AUANews Inside Tract Podcast: Voices: FUTURE in Urology Recap #1
- AUANews Inside Tract Podcast: Voices: DEI and the AUA Census
- AUANews Inside Tract Podcast: Voices: The Evolution of the AUANews Celebrating Diversity Issue
- AUANews Inside Tract Podcast: Voices: Women in Urology
- AUANews Inside Tract Podcast: Voices: Pathway to Leadership
- AUANews Inside Tract Podcast: Voices: DEI Initiatives and the Importance of Mentorship
- AUANews Inside Tract Podcast: Voices: Meet AUA's Chief Diversity Officer
- AUAUniversity Podcast: Cultural Barriers for Ethnic Minorities
- AUAUniversity Podcast: Advancing Equitable Opportunities for Recruitment of Diverse Patients to Clinical Trials
- Urology Care Podcast: Latino Men's Health with Dr. Humberto Villarreal
September 8, 2022 - Diversity Equity and Inclusion in Urology: What Do We Need to Know Webcast
Released 5/18/2022 - Urology Care Webinar: Women's Health in Urology with Dr. Rena Malik and Dr. Fenwa Milhouse
May 6, 2022 - Urology Care Podcast: Black History Month and the Importance of Black Men's and Women's Health
February 17, 2022 - Urology Care Podcast: Black Women's Health with Dr. Ekene Enemchukwu
December 21, 2021 - AUAUniversity Podcast: Surgical Implications for LGBTQ Patients
- AUAUniversity Podcast: Financial Toxicity as Drugs Move Earlier into Treatment Paradigm and How This Related to Disparities in Treatment Patterns
- Engaging Disparities in Prostate Cancer Care Podcast Series
Released 7/7/2021 - Urology Care Podcast: African American Men's Health with General Practitioner, Dr. Byron Varnado
June 17, 2021
AUANews 2023 Celebrating Diversity Issue
Read the Full IssueVoices: Getting a Seat at the Table
Read the Full AUANews ArticleAUA Diversity & Inclusion Task Force: Blueprint and Process for Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
Read the Full JU ArticleAdvancing Health Equity: Addressing Disparities in Prostate Cancer Care
Download the ResourceAUANews 2022 Celebrating Diversity Issue
Read the Full IssueThe American Board of Urology: In Pursuit of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Read the Full UPJ ArticleAUANews 2021 Celebrating Diversity Issue
The Urology Care Foundation, the official Foundation of the American Urological Association, is committed to being the leader in improving health care for urologic patients worldwide through our humanitarian efforts. To support this global mission, the Urology Care Foundation established a series of Humanitarian Endowments, which provide funding for urologic medical missions and humanitarian efforts.
Patient Education
Leadership Opportunities
Global Residents Leadership Retreat
To cultivate the next generation of leaders in urology, and foster a connection between residents and trainees around the world, the AUA launched the Global Residents Leadership Retreat. This invitation-only event welcomes residents from across the globe for a unique one-day program dedicated to leadership training and development.
Interested in DEI Opportunities?
If you would like to be included in future DEI initiatives or projects, please email Khair Maab at kmaab@AUAnet.org.