AUA Patient Perspectives - AUA Annual Meeting


AUA Patient Perspectives

AUA2024 – Patient Perspectives

Now in its third year, the American Urological Association Patient Perspectives Program is designed to elevate awareness from the unique points of view of patient voices. This engaging program aims to help physicians and healthcare providers understand what success looks like in patient-physician communication and shared decision-making.

Submissions of patient stories are now being accepted for consideration to be presented at AUA2024 in San Antonio, TX, May 4-5, 2024. Each selected presenting author will receive a travel stipend to attend the meeting and present their story.

No longer accepting abstract submissions for AUA2024.

AUA Patient Perspective is sponsored by Pfizer
Pfizer Logo

Share Your Patient Story

Submissions must address the question: "What adaptations did you and/or your healthcare team implement to improve your health?"

Topics may include but are not limited to:

  • Interventions with exercise, diet, or lifestyle changes
  • Use of complementary therapy (not medication specific)
  • Enhanced communication and shared decision-making with your healthcare team
  • Patient advocacy research
  • The role social media and/or support groups have had in making a positive impact on your care or quality of life
  • Adaptations made by you and your healthcare team that other physicians and urology professionals should know more about

Medication- or therapy-specific interventions will not be accepted.

Submission Requirements

Submissions will be accepted in written or video format.

Your submission must include the following sections:

  • Story title
  • Brief background of the urologic condition
  • Approach taken by you and your healthcare team
  • Maintenance
  • Quality of life

Written submissions are limited to 2,280 characters (not including spaces).

Video submissions must be under 5 minutes in length and no larger than 2GBz. Acceptable formats include .mp4, .avi, and .mov.

Submissions must be received by January 19, 2024.

A program committee will review the submissions and invite selected speakers to present their story at AUA2024 in San Antonio, TX.

Virtual Workshops

Have questions about the submission process? Not sure where to start? AUA staff will be available to answer your questions:


Members and non-members of the AUA are eligible to submit.

Submissions that report work that has been accepted for publication as a manuscript (e.g., full-length article, brief report, case report, concise communication or letter to the editor, etc.) before the submission deadline will not be considered.

Watch Past Presentations

Diagnostic Uncertainty in Renal Masses: Patient Support Community Update and Expansion
Debra Gottsleben

The Effects of Surgically Augmented Bladders on Store-bought Pregnancy Tests: A Paradigm for Patient-initiated Research
Jada Sheeler

Roadmap for treating small renal masses in Michigan: A patient advocate's story
James Humphries