Embargo Policy - AUA Annual Meeting


Embargo Policy

AUA2024 – Press Central

The AUA recognizes media are major contributors to health and medical coverage worldwide and have the responsibility to keep the general public informed. Distribution and use of advance materials from the AUA Annual Meeting are covered under the AUA embargo policy, which is in place to ensure news reporters have the opportunity to write accurate and well-researched news stories on often complex scientific topics, while ensuring publicity does not appear prematurely.

AUA Annual Meeting posters, podium and plenary sessions are embargoed until date and time of presentation, or official AUA press conference, whichever comes first.

All members of the press, as well as abstract authors, public information officers, public relations firms, organizations, local academic or medical institutions, and anyone else with access to abstract or research information are required to adhere to the AUA's embargo policy.

The embargo includes coverage of all research being presented, as well as all 2024 abstracts published online at www.AUAnet.org/AnnualMeeting and/or in the supplement to the April 2024 issue of The Journal of Urology®.

  • Embargo dates must accompany all advanced materials and typically reflect the day and time the presentation, press session or course begins.
    • Coverage of the material is strictly prohibited before this date and time.
    • Embargoed information is not to be made public in any format, including print, television, radio or the internet before the embargo date.
  • Journalists are not to redistribute the information within or outside their news organizations except for the following condition:
    • Journalists may share embargoed information with experts within the field for the purpose of obtaining relevant commentary or quotes.
  • The embargo date and time must be clearly indicated on the embargoed materials.
  • Journalists are responsible for ensuring all third parties honor the embargo date.

Any decision to lift an embargo early is at the sole discretion of the AUA. Journalists with questions about the date of an embargo, suspected embargo breaks or whether the embargo has been lifted for whatever reason should contact the AUA Communications Department immediately.

The embargo system is based on trust, and the AUA appreciates the vast majority of journalists respect the embargo. If you are an editor, please stress the terms of the embargo system with your reporters.