11th Annual AUA Residents Bowl - AUA Annual Meeting


11th Annual AUA Residents Bowl

AUA2024 – Residents Bowl

Residents Bowl FAQs

Q: Who is eligible to participate in the Residents Bowl?
A: The Residents Bowl is open to residents and fellows within the AUA Section Boundaries and in international countries that are part of the AUA's International Member Committee. Participants must be AUA members.

Q: How are participants selected for the Residents Bowl?
A: AUA Sections and selected international societies conduct their own selection process for choosing participants.

Q: How can I participate in the Residents Bowl for 2024?
A: You can send an email to the Residents and Fellows Committee representative of your Section regarding your interest. Email rescommittee@AUAnet.org to obtain that information.

Q: What are the prizes for the Residents Bowl?
A: The winning team will receive a trophy and all of its participants will receive a replica trophy along with a cash prize.

Q: Who creates the questions for the Residents Bowl?
A: A selected group of top urologists from different subspecialties design and develop questions.

Q: Is there a stipend provided to the participants of the Residents Bowl?
A: Yes, a stipend is provided to participants. Participants must be in attendance at the Bowl for the dates their team is participating to receive the stipend.

Q: How can I view the format and rules of the AUA Residents Bowl?
A: Read more about the format and rules.