Exhibitor Warning
AUA has an official contractor logo. Before you purchase, don't forget to look for the AUA2024 official vendor logo. If you are not sure what it looks like, contact exhibits@AUAnet.org.
Housing Poachers Reminder
DON'T BE MISLED! Often, exhibitors are contacted by outside vendors regarding housing. These companies claim to provide housing and registration services for AUA2024, but they are not affiliated with AUA. Housing for AUA2024 is handled by onPeak.
We encourage you to make your hotel accommodations through onPeak, AUA's only official housing partner. Other hotel resellers may contact you offering hotel accommodations for the annual meeting, but they are not affiliated or endorsed with the show. Entering into financial agreements with non-endorsed companies can be costly! Look for AUA's official vendor logo before you book. If you aren't sure what it looks like, contact exhibits@AUAnet.org.
Official Services
Exhibitors may use any contractor to provide services. However, there are several services for which you must use an exclusive provider. AUA contracts with a select group of official vendors who are responsible for various tasks needed to execute the install and dismantle of exhibits. Please be wary of any false and misleading messages, phone calls, and emails from companies representing themselves as the official provider of services for AUA2024. Exclusive and official service providers will be identified in the Exhibitor Service Manual and provided to exhibitors once we finalize contracts. Also, AUA has created an official supplier logo. If you aren't sure what it looks like, contact exhibits@AUAnet.org.
If you are unsure of any solicitations that you receive, please email exhibits@AUAnet.org to confirm.
Unauthorized Attendee List Rental
The Attendee List is available for rental, but only directly through AUA. Please be wary of companies soliciting exhibitors with offers for you to purchase the list from them. For more information, contact customerservice@AUAnet.org. Download the attendee mailing list order form (coming soon).