The AUA invites the global urologic community to the 119th AUA Annual Meeting in the dynamic city of San Antonio, TX!
AUA2024 Features In-person and Virtual Registration Options!
Whether you prefer to attend in-person in San Antonio or virtually from home, the AUA offers both live and virtual registration options to meet your learning needs.
Save $200 on registration by booking through onPeak, the official AUA2024 housing provider.
Registrants can save $200 on registration when they book their hotel through the official housing block. To receive this discount, you must first book a hotel reservation via OnPeak or through AUA International Group Housing. This discount is only available to select registration categories.
You will be connected to the official AUA2024 registration site.
A credit card and AUA ID number are required. Registrants who do not have an AUA ID number may request one at www.AUAnet.org/GetID.
Note: If you already have an AUA ID number, you do not need to request a new one. If you have forgotten your AUA ID number, please log into myAUA to retrieve it.
If choosing a registration category that requires a copy of your valid state issued license you can upload it at the time of registration.
You can also register by phone: Call 800-908-9414 or 410-689-3700 Hours of Operation: Monday – Friday: 9 a.m.-5 p.m. (EST)
On-Site Registration Hours
Henry B. González Convention Center
Date | Time |
Thursday, May 2 |
6 a.m.-6 p.m. |
Friday, May 3 |
6 a.m.-6 p.m. |
Saturday, May 4 |
6:30 a.m.-6 p.m. |
Sunday, May 5 |
6:30 a.m.-4 p.m. |
Monday, May 6 |
6:30 a.m.-Noon |
Satellite Registration
(for AUA2024 and the Societies for Pediatric Urology Meeting)
Grand Hyatt, San Antonio
Date | Time |
Thursday, May 2 |
6 a.m.-6 p.m. |
Friday, May 3 |
6 a.m.-6 p.m. |
Saturday, May 4 |
6:30-11 a.m. |
The registration fee for AUA2024 includes the following:
- Access to all plenary, poster, podium, forum and video sessions
- Access to Specialty Society and International Society meetings
- Entrance to the Science & Technology Hall, Publications—Meeting Program, AUA Online Program Abstracts, AUA Daily News, Schedule-At-A-Glance and Daily Planner
- AUA2024 Mobile App
- Access to virtual content through August 31, 2024
Additional registration fees apply for the following:
- Course Pass
- Instructional Course Ticket
- Hands-on Skills Trainings (HOSTs)
- Institute for Leadership & Business (ILB) Track
AUA members are eligible to attend the Annual Meeting at a reduced rate. Learn about becoming a member to take advantage of this benefit. Membership applications must be submitted and completed by April 1, 2024.
Platinum (In-Person) Package
The platinum package gets you access to all scientific sessions in San Antonio (including plenary; forums; poster, podium, video sessions; specialty and international society meetings), unlimited access to 80+ Instructional Courses in San Antonio. Plus, access to all AUA2024 virtual live streamed and on-demand sessions.
Gold (In-Person) Package
The gold package gets you access to all scientific sessions in San Antonio (including plenary; forums; poster, podium, video sessions; specialty and international society meetings). Plus access to all AUA2024 virtual live streamed and on-demand sessions. Excludes Instructional Courses.
Silver (Fully Virtual) Package
The silver package gets you VIRTUAL access to select AUA2024 scientific sessions and 40+ Instructional Courses.
Bronze (Fully Virtual) Package
The bronze package gets you VIRTUAL access to select AUA2024 scientific sessions.
Stream AUA2024 Live and On-Demand!
Streaming Live | On-Demand |
Plenary Programming Plenary Programming Confederacion Americana de Urologia (CAU) 40+ Instructional Courses |
All Live Streamed Content All 80+ Instructional courses (available with purchase of Platinum and Silver Packages) Bladder Cancer Forum International Prostate Cancer Forum Poster & Podium Sessions Video Abstracts Innovation in Men’s Health Forum Brazilian/Portuguese Urology Program (BPUP) |
Important Information about the Live Course Pass
- Instructional Course Materials will be available online beginning March 31, 2024. Course Materials can be downloaded and/or printed at home. Print stations will not be available at the meeting.
- Live Course Passes are not transferrable.
- AUA has planned seating to maximize capacity and to comply with Fire Marshal regulations. Seating is available on a first-come, first-serve basis, so please plan accordingly.
Annual Meeting Cancellation Policy
- Registrations are non-transferable; name substitutions are not permitted.
- To cancel or reduce your Annual Meeting registration (this includes Platinum, Gold, Silver, and Bronze), you must submit a written request on or before April 5, 2024. Cancellation or partial refund requests received by this date will be honored, less a $100 administrative processing fee. No refunds will be honored on requests received on or after April 6, 2024. Please allow four to six weeks to process your refund. Anyone registering after April 6, 2024, and wishing to cancel or reduce their registration later will receive no refund on any part of their registration fees. Cancellation or change requests can be faxed to 410-689-3912 or emailed to customerservice@AUAnet.org.
- You may add optional products such as the course pass or Hands-on courses to your registration at any time.
- AUA reserves the right to cancel any AUA2024 Hands-on Skills Training for any reason before March 29, 2024. In particular, our ability to offer these activities is contingent upon providing them safely for registrants, faculty, staff, and equipment providers. If you have registered for an AUA2024 Hands-on Skills Training and AUA subsequently cancels it, you will be eligible for a full refund of that registration fee. If AUA cancels a Skills Training, a notification will be sent to registered attendees by April 5, 2024.
If the 2024 in-person meeting is canceled for any reason, your registration will automatically transfer to the corresponding virtual option. We will automatically transfer the Platinum to Silver and Gold to Bronze. Access to the Science and Technology Hall
In the interest of safety and injury prevention, anyone under 18 years of age (infants included) will not be permitted in the exhibit hall. Show Management reserves the right to require proof of age prior to admission to the Exhibition.
Access to the Science and Technology Hall
In the interest of safety and injury prevention, anyone under 18 years of age (infants included) will not be permitted in the exhibit hall. Show Management reserves the right to require proof of age prior to admission to the Exhibition.
AUA Code of Conduct
By registering for the AUA Annual Meeting, I acknowledge and agree to adhere to and abide by all AUA policies, including the Anti-Harassment Policy and in-person Health & Safety Policies implemented by the AUA.
I understand that all AUA policies are subject to change. Additional information or policy changes will be communicated to attendees prior to the first day of the Annual Meeting. Any refusal to adhere to and abide by AUA policies may result in immediate removal from the AUA Annual Meeting and cancellation of registration, without receiving a refund.
Consent to Use of Photographic Images
Registration and attendance at or participation in AUA meetings and other activities constitutes an agreement by the registrant to AUA's use and distribution (both now and in the future) of the registrant or attendee's image or voice in photographs, videotapes, electronic reproductions, and audiotapes of such events and activities.