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AUANews Medical Student Column
You're invited to contribute to the monthly peer-reviewed AUANews Medical Student Column!
What is AUANews?
AUANews is a monthly publication available to all members of the American Urological Association, including attending physicians, residents, students, and other healthcare providers. AUANews is delivered in print and published online on the AUA website.
How Does the Medical Student Column Work?
Students are welcome to contribute brief articles regarding any topic of their choosing. All articles undergo peerreview by a team of medical student editors, who will be in touch regarding a publication decision.
Why Contribute?
The AUANews Medical Student Column provides students with a platform to contribute to current discourse in urology and further explore their interests in the field. Authors will have the ability to highlight their personal perspectives in medical education and urology, raise awareness regarding their recent research accomplishments, and share their ideas with the urology community.
How Can I Get Involved?
Students are welcome to contribute a wide range of opinion-based or informative articles related to medical education, recent developments in urology, and their personal insights throughout medical school. Below is a list of potential topics:
- Meaningful and memorable patient encounters
- Experiences in clinical rotations
- Advice for fellow medical students
- Ideas for improvement in medical education
- Unique experiences with extracurricular activities
- Review and commentary highlighting notable recent advances in urologic research
- Informational articles regarding current events in medical education
- Summary of recent student-led research projects.
How to Apply?
- Choose any topic of interest
- Co-authors are welcome
- Write 500-1,000 words
- Figures, photos, and tables may be included, if applicable
- Send your submission to