DEFINITION Strong, Moderate, or Conditional Recommendations based on available scientific evidence with consideration for balance of risks/benefits; further information provided in the form of Clinical Principle or Expert Opinion statements where gaps in the evidence exist
LEVEL OF EVIDENCE Systematic reviews; RCTs supplemented with lower level evidence and expert consensus when available high-quality evidence is lacking
COMPOSITION OF DEVELOPMENT GROUP Multidisciplinary subject matter experts, including patients/patient advocates, as appropriate
EXTERNAL REVIEW Extensive review process to include all stakeholders, relevant approval bodies (PGC, S&Q, BOD), and public comment
REVIEW CYCLE 24-36 months or on an ad hoc basis as determined by the PGC
DOCUMENT SUNSETTING 10 years or as determined by the PGC
EXAMPLE DOCUMENT Advanced Prostate Cancer
DEFINITION Qualitative assessments on quality or patient safety topics in Urology—these may provide a brief explanation of an available technology; summarize an AUA-sponsored conference, congress, symposium, or other meeting; discuss case studies in QI; and/or discuss a particular theoretical or practical approach in quality, safety, and/or measurement
LEVEL OF EVIDENCE Expert opinion supported by available literature
COMPOSITION OF DEVELOPMENT GROUP Subject matter experts in the topic area
EXTERNAL REVIEW Review by relevant stakeholders and approval bodies (QIPS, S&Q, BOD), and public comment (except meeting summaries)
REVIEW CYCLE Every two years, or on an ad hoc basis, as determined by the QIPS Committee
DOCUMENT SUNSETTING 10 years or as determined by S&Q and/or QIPS
EXAMPLE DOCUMENT Implementation of Shared Decision Making into Urological Practice
DEFINITION Statements of expert opinion for which there may or may not be supporting evidence available in the medical literature
LEVEL OF EVIDENCE Expert opinion supported by available literature
COMPOSITION OF DEVELOPMENT GROUP Subject matter experts and others with interest in topic area
EXTERNAL REVIEW Review by relevant stakeholders and approval bodies (QIPS, S&Q, BOD), and public comment
REVIEW CYCLE Every two years, or on an ad hoc basis, as determined by the QIPS Committee
DOCUMENT SUNSETTING 10 years or as determined by S&Q and/or QIPS
EXAMPLE DOCUMENT Urologic Procedures and Antimicrobial Prophylaxis
DEFINITION Presents the AUA positions, philosophy and/or policies on a topic of interest in the urology specialty
LEVEL OF EVIDENCE Literature review; panel members review the literature and contribute practical knowledge and experience to conclusions
COMPOSITION OF DEVELOPMENT GROUP Subject matter experts in the topic area
EXTERNAL REVIEW Review by relevant stakeholders and approval bodies (QIPS, S&Q, BOD)
REVIEW CYCLE Every year, or on an ad hoc basis, as determined by the QIPS or Public Policy Committees
DOCUMENT SUNSETTING 10 years or as determined by S&Q and/or QIPS or Public Policy
EXAMPLE DOCUMENT Beers Criteria for Potentially Inappropriate Medication
*PPSs of non-BOD origin